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I went to Florida for a year.

I lived in Florida during 2009.
I traveled often in May.
Within a year, he had ridden a Great Leonopteryx.
'Avatar' began in 2009 and continued into 2010.

Oe kamä ne Florita zìsìto.

Oe kelku seri mì Florita 2009-o.
Oe serop Mayo pxìm.
Zìsìto, pol molakto torukit.
Uniltìrantokx sngolä'i mì 2009 ulte verar 2010-o?

I went to Hometree on Saturday.

I went to Hometree at noon.
In April, I rode an ikran.

Oe ne Kelutral kamä Trrkive

Oe ne Kelutral kama kxamtrr____
Eypxrìl oel molakto ikranit.

I lived in Florida from 2009 to 2010. Oe kelku sami mì Florita 2009ta 2010vay.
I must go to Hometree by Saturday (at the latest). Oe zene ne Kelutral lisre Srrkive.
I want to go to Hometree before Saturday. Oe new kivä ne Kelutral sre Srrkive
I want to go to Hometree after Saturday. Oe new kivä ne Kelutral maw Trrkive
I lived in Florida between 2009 and 2010. Oe kelku seri mì Florita mìkam 2009 sì 2010.
I was born around 1980. Oe 'olongokx 1980mì asim?
I live on Hometree until Saturday (and then I will move). Oe kelku soli mì Helutralit vaykrr Trrkive (ulte tsakrr rayikx).