A Message From Paul

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This page is for the linguistic analysis of the message sent on January 20, 2010 by Paul Frommer to the Na'vi language community. See Corpus#A_Message_From_Paul for more background information.

Ayeylanur oeyä sì eylanur lì'fyayä leNa'vi nìwotx:
Ay-eylan-ur    oe-yä  sì   Ø-eylan-ur     lì’fya-yä     le-Na’vi   nì-wotx
PL-friend-DAT  1-GEN  and  PL-friend-DAT  language-GEN  ADJ-Na’vi  ADV-all
"To all my friends and friends of the Na'vi language:"

Oel ayngati kameie, ma oeeylan, 
Oe-l   ay-nga-ti  kam<ei>e,    ma   oe-yä  Ø-eylan
1-ERG  PL-2-ACC   see<APPROB>  VOC  1-GEN  PL-friend
"I See you, my friends"

ulte ayngaru seiyi irayo.
ulte ay-nga-ru  s<eyi>i       =irayo.
and  PL-2-DAT   make<APPROB>  =thanks.
"and I thank you."

Fpole' ayngal oer fìtxanftxavang a 'upxaret stolawm oel.
Fp‹ol›e’   ay-nga-l  oe-r  fì=txan    nì-ftxanvang      a    ’upxare-t     st‹ol›awm  oe-l.
send<PFV>  PL-2-ERG  1-DAT PROX=much  ADV-passion(ate)  ATTR  message-ACC  hear<PFV>  1-ERG
"I have heard the message you have sent me so passionately."

Lì'fyari leNa'vi oel 'efu ayngeyä tìyawnit.
Lì’fya-ri     le-Na’vi   oe-l   ’efu  ay-nge-yä  tì-yawn-it.
Language-TOP  ADJ-Na’vi  1-ERG  feel  PL-2-GEN   NMLZ-beloved-ACC
"I feel your love for the Na'vi language."

tìfyawìntxuri oeyä perey ayngawotx.
tì-fyawìntxu-ri  oe-yä  p<er>ey     ay-nga  nì-wotx
NMLZ-guide-TOP   1-GEN  wait<IPFV>  PL-2    ADV-all
"you are all waiting for my guidance."

Spivaw oeti rutxe, ma oeeylan:
Sp<iv>aw          oe-ti  rutxe   ma   oe-yä  Ø-eylan
believe<SJV:JUS>  1-ACC  please, VOC  1-GEN  PL-friend
"Please believe me, my friends:”

oe new nìtxan ayngaru fyawivìntxu.
oe  new   nì-txan   ay-nga-ru  fyaw<iv>ìntxu
1   want  ADV-much  PL-2-DAT   guide<SJV>
"I want very much to guide you." 

Slä nìawnomum, zene oe 'awsitengkangkem sivi fohu a Uniltìrantokxit'''''
Slä  nì-awn-omum,          zene oe ’awsiteng tìkangkem=s<iv>i    Ø-fo=hu    a     Uniltìrantokx-it''
  but  ADV-PL.1.INCL-know, must 1  together  work     =make<SJV> PL-3=with  ATTR  Avatar-ACC
"But as you know, I must work together with those who have brought us “Avatar”" 

sì kifkeyit Eywa'evengä zamolunge awngar.
sì   kifkey-it  Eywa=’eveng-ä   zam‹ol›unge  awnga-ru
and  world-ACC  Eywa=child-GEN  bring<PFV>   PL.1.INCL-DAT
"and the world of Pandora."

Foru 'upxaret oel fpole', slä vay set ke pahängem kea tì'eyng.
Ø-fo-ru   ’upxare-t    oe-l   fp‹ol›e’,  slä vay   set ke  p<am>äh<äng>em   ke-a     tì’eyng
PL-3-DAT  message-ACC  1-ERG  send<PFV>, but until now NEG arrive<PST><PEJ> NEG-ATTR answer
"I have sent them a message, but up to now no answer has arrived."

Nìaynga oe pereyteng.
Nì-ay-nga  oe  p<er>ey     nì-teng.
ADV-PL-2   1   wait<IPFV>  ADV-same
"Like you, I too am waiting."

'eyngit oel tolel a krr, ayngaru payeng,
Tì’eyng-it oe-l  t‹ol›el       a     krr,  ay-nga-ru p<ay>eng
answer-ACC 1-ERG receive<PFV>  ATTR  time, PL-2-DAT  tell<FUT>
"When I receive an answer, I will let you know,"

tsakrr paye'un sweya fya'ot a zamivunge oel ayngar 
tsa=krr    p<ay>e’un    swey-a     fya’o-t  a     zam<iv>unge  oe-l   ay-nga-r
DIST=time  decide<FUT>  best-ATTR  way-ACC  ATTR  bring<SJV>   1-ERG  PL-2-DAT
"and I will then decide the best way to bring you"
aylì'ut horentisì lì'fyayä leNa'vi. 
ay-li’ù-t    Ø-horen-ti=sì    lì’fya-yä     le-Na’vi
PL-word-ACC  PL-rule-ACC=and  language-GEN  ADJ-Na’vi
"the words and rules of Na'vi."

Sìlpey oe, layu oeru ye'rìn sìltsana fmawn a tsun oe ayngaru tivìng.
Sìlpey oe, l<ay>u    oe-ru  ye’rin sìltsan-a fmawn a    tsun    oe  ay-nga-ru  t<iv>ìng’’
hope   1,  COP<FUT>  1-DAT  soon   good-ATTR news  ATTR be.able 1   PL-2-DAT   give<SJV>
"I hope I will soon have good news to give you."

Aylì'ufa awngeyä 'eylanä a'ewan Markusì ta Ngalwey …
Ay-lì’u=fa       awnge-yä       ’eylan-ä    a-’ewan    Markusì    ta    Ngalwey’’
PL-word=by.means PL.1.INCL-GEN  friend-GEN  ATTR-young Markus(NP) from  Galway(NP)
"In the words of our young friend Markus from Galway …"

’Ivong Na'vi!
’<iv>ong      Na’vi’’
bloom<SJV:OPT>  Na’vi
"Let Na'vi bloom!"

Kìyevame ulte Eywa ngahu.
Kìyevame ulte Eywa     nga=hu’’
Goodbye  and  Eywa(NP) 2=with
"Goodbye for now, and may Eywa be with you."

Ta 'eylan karyusì ayngeyä, Pawl.
Ta    ’eylan  karyu=sì     ay-nge-yä, Pawl
from  friend  teacher=and  PL-2-GEN,  Pawl(NP)
"Your friend and teacher, Paul."