Talk:Hamlet: List of Missing Words

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Revision as of 21:38, 15 December 2010 by KalaKuival (talk | contribs)
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KalaKuival, 14.11.2010 - okay, brought some order to the words section page, as there are going to be a lot of them.

KalaKuival, 28.11.2010 - added some new stuff, and also created a place for interpreted phrases (A1S2)

KalaKuival, 01.12.2010 - again, new things from A1S2

KalaKuival, 12.12.2010 - new stuff from A1S3, + added a word to "to be changed" section, and formated the phrases section a little

KalaKuival 21:48, 12 December 2010 (UTC) - new stuff from A1S3 again, added dear to "to be changed"

KalaKuival 16:40, 14 December 2010 (UTC) - New stuff from A1S3 again, formated the page quite a lot again, created the phrases section. Also added to texts and figured out a proper way how to mark how many repetitions of a word is in each scene.

KalaKuival 21:38, 15 December 2010 (UTC) - new stuff from A1S3